All of the functionality provided by the playground executable can be accessed with the exported API.


stable the exactly interface is still subject to change.

by FilePathsBase.jl. A path type can be created with p"/path/to/my/thing".

julia> using Memento

julia> Memento.config("debug")


Stores information about the shared configuration directory. The easiest way to get a Config instances is with:

julia> config = Config()    # Uses the default config at ~/.playground/config.yml


Methods that only operate on playground environments (e.g., create, activate) can also take an Environment type. In future releases, the Environment type may be abstracted into an interface that supports different methods of isolation (e.g., DockerEnvironment for maintaining julia docker environments).


julia> env = Environment("research")    # A shared environment named "research"

# Create the research environment
julia> create(env)

# Activate the research environment in our current REPL
julia> activate(env; shell=false)

research> Pkg.dir()

research> deactivate()

julia> Pkg.dir()

julia> withenv(env) do

install (Unix only)

To install a binary julia version from

julia> install(config, v"0.7.0-"; labels=["julia-0.7"])

To make an existing build available to playgrounds.

julia> install(config, p"/path/to/julia/binary"; labels=["julia-src"])


To create a new playground using your existing julia install in your current working directory.

julia> create()

This will automatically create a .playground folder (default specified in ~/.playground/config.yml)

To create a new playground in a specific directory.

julia> create(config, p"/path/of/new/playground")

To name your playgrounds and make them available without remembering where they're stored.

julia> create(config, "research-playground")

Create a playground with a default julia-version.

julia> create(config, p"/path/of/new/playground", "nightly-playground"; julia="julia-nightly")

Create a new playground with pre-existing REQUIRE file.

julia> create(; p"/path/to/REQUIRE")


To activate a given playground simply run.

julia> activate(config, p"/path/to/your/playground")


julia> activate(config, "myproject")

NOTE: On Unix systems, activate will by default try and open a new shell using you SHELL environment variable and a modified copy of your ~/.<shell>rc file. Otherwise, it will fall back to using sh -i.

If you'd like to work within a playground environment from your current REPL just pass shell=false.

julia> activate(config, "myproject"; shell=false)


To see what install julia-versions and playgrounds (named ones) are available.

julia> list(config)


If you've removed some a source julia-version or have deleted playground folders and would like playground to clean up any broken symlinks.

julia> clean(config)


If you'd like to remove a julia-version or playground you can run.

julia> rm(config, "myproject")


julia> rm(config, "julia-0.7")

which will delete the specified playground or julia-version and make sure that all related links have been cleaned up.

Reminder: Deleting julia versions may break playgrounds that depend on that version.