

Build Status Project Status: Active - The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.

A package for managing julia sandboxes like python's virtualenv (with a little influence from pyenv and virtualenvwrapper)

Supports: StatsBase StatsBase


You can install Playground.jl with Pkg.add.

julia> Pkg.add("Playground")

If you'd like to install the playground script and config.yml file to the shared ~/.playground directory run:

julia> ENV["PLAYGROUND_INSTALL"] = true;"Playground")

The playground script is now ready to use.

> ~/.playground/bin/playground -h
usage: <PROGRAM> [-d] [-h]

  install      Installs julia version for you.
  create       Builds the playground
  activate     Activates the playground.
  list         Lists available julia versions and playgrounds
  clean        Deletes any dead julia-version or playground links, in
               case you've deleted the original folders.
  rm           Deletes the specifid julia-version or playground.
  exec         Execute a cmd inside a playground and exit.

optional arguments:
  -d, --debug  Log debug message to STDOUT
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit

Recommended: Add the playground bin directory to your path by editing your ~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc, ~/.tcshrc, etc.

echo "PATH=$PATH:~/.playground/bin/" >> ~/.bashrc

This will make the playground script and all managed julia versions easily accessible.

NOTE: You may want to modify the shebang (e.g., #!/usr/bin/env julia) in ~/.playground/bin/playground to either ignore deprecation warnings or improve load times.

If you're running linux you'll need to use the path to the julia executable directly (e.g. #!/usr/bin/julia --depwarn=no --optimize=0) as env in linux can only take 1 argument, otherwise the process will stall. You can get the path to your julia executable with /usr/bin/env julia.



For the most part, Playground.jl provide its virtualized environments by simply manipulating environment variables and symlinks to julia binaries/playgrounds. However, in order to do this it needs to create its own folder for managing these symlinks. By default Playground.jl creates its own config folder in ~/.playground. This folder is structured as follows.

|-- .playground/
    |-- config.yml
    |-- bin/
        |-- playground
        |-- julia
        |-- julia-stable
        |-- julia-nightly
        |-- julia-0.3
        |-- julia-0.4
    |-- share/
        |-- myproject
        |-- testing
        |-- research
    |-- src/
        |-- julia-038-osx10
    |-- tmp/
        |-- julia-0.3.8-osx10.7+.dmg


The config.yml file provides a mechanism for configuring default behaviour. This file is setup during installation.

# This is just default location to store a new playground.
# This is used by create and activate if no --name or --path.
default_playground_path: .playground

# Default shell prompt when you activate a playground.
default_prompt: "\\e[0;35m\\u@\\h:\\W (playground)> \\e[m"

# Default git settings when using install build
default_git_address: ""
default_git_revision: master

# Allows you to isolate shell and julia history to each playground.
isolated_shell_history: true
isolated_julia_history: true